WOA (Word of Open Accounts).digital community promotes and accelerates the digitalization of receivable finance globally.
We publish e-invoicing news from all over the world, with a neutral point of view, entirely for free, and mostly focusing on compliance & technology topics.
Passionate e-invoicing expert & evangelist with more than a decade of experience in the space, helping businesses world-wide to improve their financial processes.
Former MD & CTO of e-integration GmbH.
Active contributor to EESPA/GENA, KoSIT, OpenPEPPOL & VeR associations.
Versatile builder, shaping The Invoicing Hub website and articles, trying to make the intricate e-invoicing landscape more understandable to all.
Former Product Manager
for EDI & Compliance at Esker.
Webdesign specialist, supporting all kinds of businesses and helping them build their online presence effectively & seamlessly
Head of MW-Onsite
Webdesign Agency
Showcase your products
Be visible to qualified professionnals
Position yourself as an e-invoicing leader
We want to be the website you visit when you are looking for relevant, trustworthy and practical information about E-Invoicing with an entirely neutral point of view.
Help grow the E-Invoicing ecosystem and allow private businesses, service providers, associations and public entities to work together towards the digitalization journey.
All our news & in-depth articles will be entirely free of charge to all our readers, and we will rely exclusively on sponsoring & public funding.
Our goal is to bring you fresh news about E-Invoicing to help you remain on top of this ever-changing domain.
We strive for neutrality, we report news from a purely objective standpoint, and then let you form your own opinion to get the most out of the many service providers, associations and other players in this space.
We aim to provide practical information regarding E-Invoicing and the various laws in effect to empower the digital transformation of your business.
We consistently compare various information sources, prioritize official ones, and share these resources into our articles.
The Invoicing Hub is entirely owned by its founders, with no external investors.
Sponsors can only support specific sections of the website and do not influence editorial content. In any case, the presence of multiple sponsors ensures that no single sponsor exerts any influence.
We collaborate with some of the most prominent e-invoicing stakeholders in the world.
WOA (Word of Open Accounts).digital community promotes and accelerates the digitalization of receivable finance globally.
Non-profit organization aiming to build an open exchange network for a secure and efficient exchange of B2B documents in the United States
The global editions of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit provide in-depth information about recent developments and future trends in E-Invoicing, VAT-Reporting, and beyond. Participants benefit from cutting edge keynote speeches, panels, round tables, and great networking opportunities.
The Invoicing Hub
experts can help you
Strategy, Guidance, Training, …