E-invoicing news in
France PDP Benchmark
The 1st Comprehensive Comparison of PDPs in France
This PDP (Partner Dematerialization Platform) Benchmark will be the first of its kind, analyzing the certified PDPs across more than 50 criteria.
The final report will be available for free in April 2025.
Sign up to stay informed and receive the final report directly in your inbox.

E-Invoicing in France - The Complete Guide
B2B e-invoicing will be mandatory in France starting in 2026/2027 and will rely heavily on private operators, the PDPs (Partner Dematerialization Platforms).
The mandate will include, among other things, e-invoicing obligations, lifecycle management, a directory, and e-reporting. Learn more about e-invoicing in France in our Country Profile – France.

Fresh News about E-Invoicing

The Invoicing Hub helps you navigate the ever-changing world of e-invoicing, with regular updates on country mandates, global regulations, and key technological advancements.
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