Associations & organizations listed below are actively involved in the e-invoicing industry. Public entities listed below are the official policymakers and/or public platform operators in their country.
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Agenzia Entrate
Public entity in charge of technically enabling the e-invoicing mandates in Italy

Public entity aiming to guarantee the achievement of the Italian digital agenda objectives, and Italian Peppol Authority

Association promoting e-invoicing in Austria and in charge of the local ebInterface e-invoice format

Public entity supervising the e-invoicing mandates in Belgium, and Belgian Peppol Authority

European Committee for Standardization, responsible for developing and maintaining many European standards

Non-profit organization aiming to build an open exchange network for a secure and efficient exchange of B2B documents in the United States

Danish business authority supervising e-invoicing in Denmark, and Danish Peppol Authority
European Commission – Digital Building Blocks – E-Invoicing
Department in charge of e-invoicing within the European Commission
Association aiming to foster a trustworthy global ecosystem for seamless and secure digital data exchange
Public entity supervising e-invoicing in New Zealand, and New Zealand Peppol Authority
The Invoicing Hub
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