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European Commission webinar on the “Future of E-Invoicing”




Official image announcing an upcoming European Commission webinar on the "Future of E-Invoicing"
The webinar will take place on April 17 at 10 AM CEST and is open to the public.

Last February, the European Commission published a comprehensive report detailing the impact of the E-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU.

The goal of this directive was to simplify cross-border invoicing procedures, foster efficiency, and reduce costs in the EU and beyond. More specifically, this directive led to the mandatory use of e-invoicing in public procurement through various Business-to-Government (B2G) mandates in the EU countries.

2 months following the publication of this report, the European Commission will host a webinar focusing on the impact of the directive and on the future of e-invoicing.

Direct links: Webinar details / Registration page

The webinar will take place on April 17 at 10 AM CEST, is accessible to all and will cover the following agenda items:

  • Presentation of the E-Invoicing Directive Report’s key findings on the impact of the E-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU.
  • Introduction of the several studies conducted feeding the report.
  • Possible intervention by an EU Member State representative on the importance of electronic invoicing and its implementation.
  • A company use case of eInvoicing implementation.
  • Discussion on the future of the eInvoicing policy accompanied by a Q&A.

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