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New Country Coverage: Denmark




The Invoicing Hub now covers an eleventh country: Denmark, with regular e-invoicing news & detailed country profile.

Denmark has been one of the pioneer countries regarding electronic invoicing. E-invoicing even became mandatory for all B2G transactions with central public administrations as early as 2005, which puts Denmark at the forefront of e-invoicing in Europe and even in the world!

And now Denmark is going one step forward, or should we say several steps forward at once, with the introduction of the “Bookkeeping Act” law.

This new regulation will require all businesses operating in Denmark to adopt certified accounting software over an 18-month phased introduction period, between July 1st, 2024 & January 1st, 2026.

Denmark e-invoicing resources

To help you better understand e-invoicing in Denmark, The Invoicing Hub is expanding its country coverage to include Denmark, granting everyone access to free & unbiased information.

You can already access our detailed Denmark Country Profile, featuring:

  • Summaries of the B2G & B2B e-invoicing obligations in Denmark
  • Timeline of the main e-invoicing milestones past & future
  • Access to resources such as some of the technical specifications or the list of certified software falling under the Bookkeeping Act requirements
  • More detailed technical explanations

Additionally, visit The Invoicing Hub regularly to read the latest relevant news regarding e-invoicing in Denmark.

11 detailed e-invoicing country profiles available

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