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Discover The Invoicing Hub Country Profiles and the Ecosystem Lists




The Invoicing Hub initial coverage of ten countries (Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden) and ecosystem lists (Service Providers, Consulting Companies, Associations, Public Entities)
Gain in-depth understanding of e-invoicing compliance across 10+ countries, along with an overview of the key stakeholders facilitating it.

In addition to the regular e-invoicing news published on The Invoicing Hub, delve into the Country Profiles pages to explore detailed and in-depth content on e-invoicing in 10 countries, a number that will quickly grow to 15 and more:

Each of the Country Profiles features practical information about local e-invoicing regulations, such as:

  • E-invoicing mandates summaries
  • Regulations timelines
  • Technical details (B2G and/or B2B)
  • Additional in-depth content

Then head over to the Ecosystem lists to have an overview of all the actors that make e-invoicing a reality all over the world:

  • Service Providers, usually the e-invoicing Software Editors and Solution Sellers
  • Supporting Companies, such as the Consulting Companies, the Implementation Partners, the Events Organizers, … (list in construction)
  • Associations & Public Entities like the Tax Authorities and all related associations that coordinate with them, encompassing industry stakeholders

Finally, take a moment to browse through the Sponsors who support The Invoicing Hub, enabling us to offer all our content to everyone free of charge

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